Thursday, February 27, 2014

Safety on Wireless Communication

Wireless communication may be one of the greatest inventions of all time. It incorporates the communication and transmission of information over long distances without the use of electronic conductors, like cables and wires. There are many modern day devices that carry out the functions of wireless communications, such as: smart phones, wireless computer parts, satellite televisions, GPS units, etc... . So why is wireless communication helpful? There are many benefits to this type of network. First, this advanced way of communication allows for immediate access to information-delivered in a matter of just a few minutes. Second, workers can receive information anywhere and at anytime without hauling big cable boxes or wires around them. Thirdly, urgent situations can be made aware of more quickly. Despite location or distance, people from near or far, can almost always connect with one another. Lastly, wireless devices are cheaper to set up and maintain.
With this new technology, there ensues tremendous responsibility. Many people have the misconception that what they post online is private and that no one will ever be admitted to see it. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Many teens and young people, especially, find themselves posting inappropriate comments, videos, and pictures. There are serious and even federal consequences that can be brought forth. Teens who text or send revealing photos, ask somebody else to send them inappropriate images or texts, or put themselves in a position of possible harassment over a revealing text, can all face serious repercussions. If anything like this should occur, it is important to act fast and get people to help and stop the spreading of this message. (One should consult a parent or teacher.)
Another important safety topic is texting while driving. This danger of this form of communication arises when people use it at an improper time and place. When one is driving they should be completely engaged on the road, and not have outside distractions, like their phone, occupying them. Thankfully, many teens choose not to text and drive because they are conscious of what may happen if they do. Severe, and sometimes, fatal events occur. In addition, 30 states have prohibited texting while driving and fine those who are caught. For instance, if your best friend is driving you home and they are texting on their phone, the best way to handle the problem is by calmly asking them to get off their phone. In the case where they refuse to give it up, it is important to inform them about the dangers of texting while driving. If you are the driver, it is important to consider the safety of those around the you and your own well being.
Furthermore, most people don't fully comprehend just how quickly viral messages can spread. The chance of people seeing what others post on the web is very likely. These people can be parents, siblings, friends, or even complete strangers. The dangers of living in a world where everyone is interconnected includes the idea that anyone at anytime can see information about you, without you realizing. This is why it is crucial to think twice before doing something on the web or sending something to someone else, because nowadays images, videos, and comments can go viral and spread quicker than ever before. Wireless communication is a great invention, but people should also know just how monitored worldwide communication can be. Depending on how one uses wireless communication, it can be a truly awesome way of communicating.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

022114 Choosing a Computer and Cloud Computing

Computers are taking the world by storm and are becoming a part of many people's lives. Many buyers nowadays must be informed about the parts and services of their computer in order to make a wise purchase. Although all computers come in different shapes and sizes their operating forces make them similar.  There are three major parts to the hardware of a computer. First, there is the hardrive. The hardrive stores all the photos, music, and software of a computer. Therefore, the bigger the hardrive, the more amount of storage in one's computer. However, some information in computers is difficult to operate rapidly, because of the limited amount of storage. (The hardrive "takes the long way" to access information.) Thus, RAM is needed. RAM, Random Access Memory, is an alternative, which makes information easy to administer-- "the short route" to accessing information. RAM makes computers run more swiftly and is cleaned every time the computer is reset. Lastly, the processor sends and receives information, executes duties, and sets the software operating. The faster the processor achieves its tasks, the faster the computer will be, overall. In choosing a computer it is crucial that the customer knows exactly what they are looking for, they need to have a set plan, and qualities for their future computer. For example, if a customer wanted to invest in a computer that was touch screen, had large amounts of storage, and a retina display, they are likely to find exactly what they are looking for. Compared to a person who is not educated in what kind of qualities their computer should have, a customer who knows what they want, will find what they are looking for quicker, and be more satisfied.
Modern computers no longer operate alone. Thanks to the wonders of internet, cloud computing has changed the way people operate their technology. Cloud computing is secure, accessible through the web, and upheld in a different location. There are many benefits of cloud computing. Some of advantages include: its cost efficiency, nearly limitless storage, back up and recovery programs, communication with all technological devices, easy access to information, and lastly, quick activity.  Cloud computing may be one of the most affordable and cost efficient forms of computing to use. Unlike traditional software companies, where users would have to licenses expensive fees, cloud computing allows and ensures users, one-time payments and therefore, can significantly lower expenses. Storage of information, music, pictures, and other software is practically unlimited. There is no worry on running out of storage space or having to upgrade. Also, the cloud is capable of restoring information and makes the process of backing up and restoring information much more simple. Software integration is something that occurs immediately in the cloud. Customers use their utilities with their personal preference and so, users simply choose which services and operations suit their needs best. Furthermore, cloud computing ensures easy access to information despite location. Geographical location and time zone issues are no longer a problem. Lastly, cloud computing  functions an entire system in a matter of just a few minutes. Although, there are many benefits of cloud computing there are disadvantages such as: technical issues, security, and like all software programs it can be prone to attack.
Just in the past few years there have been amazing advancements in technology and I feel as though the sky is the limit for future computers and software programs. I predict that in the near future, software programs will be able to reason like humans. They will be able to think, analyze, and possibly even communicate the way humans do. All modern day problems with computers will be solved, and although futuristic computers will not be perfect, they will operate more efficiently and quicker than the computers that we have nowadays. The software programs will be similar to cloud computing; however they will be free and all computers will be in sync with the program when first purchased. Perhaps one day there will be a computer that is built into to one's glasses--talk about portability! In conclusion, the future of computers and cloud computing is really endless. The possibilities go far beyond our wildest dreams.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

First Blog Entry-Digital Literacy

Anna Dos Santos
Mrs. Weser
My Digital Life
Feb. 13, 2014
I abide by the Honor Code-ADS

Digital literacy is the skill of using technology efficiently, in terms of information, conversation (or communication), and understanding its importance on the everyday citizen. Throughout this week's learning session the class was asked to research the importance of digital literacy, acquire knowledge about it, and show how it impacts our lives.
Very few people know how to discern whether a website is true or false; however, digital literacy allows one to expand his/her knowledge about websites so that he/she can detect a fake website from a real one. In other words, being digitally literate entails that one can determine factual from counterfeit websites and create information by means of Internet and technology. Some examples of digital literacy include using social media accounts to post information about yourself, writing papers, creating presentations, and other routine activities on the web. Digital literacy began mainly because of plagiarism. Although many websites and articles are confidential and copyrighted, people still copy and paste, and use information as their own. Other problems include issues with social media. For example, text language has become an increasingly more problematic issue. Many people have begun abbreviating words and using numbers and letters to convey the same message quicker. "Lol" is an abbreviated term for "laugh out loud", for instance. The problem arises when this type of language begins to affect an individual's way of spelling. As a result, of all these dilemmas with technology, digital literacy was created to grant people knowledge how to navigate, and effectively as well as safely, use the internet. It is the duty of all persons to use the internet responsibly and productively. Being digitally literate will allow for people to know not to put private information on the web, use reputable sources, and educate the way people understand technology.
Although, I have acquired a plethora of information on the subject of digital literacy there is still much more that I hope to learn. Just as society has been growing. technology has been expanding as well. It is necessary for jobs and schools to now be obliged to use digital literacy in many aspects of every field. My question is: What can I do to become more safe and knowledgeable about digital literacy and the advancing technology around me? I also hope to learn how to appropriately use all of my tools on the computer, so as to receive a full understanding of utilizing what I have.
Digital literacy is an important skill set in a multiple of ways. One way that digital literacy is important in day-to-day activities is because it allows for one to use his/her technology in a smart way. By understanding the importance of privacy online, one will resist not putting private information (like cell phone numbers, home address, and other personal information). Furthermore, the more digitally literate a person is, the better he/she will be at using technology. Due to the fact that technology has become more important, becoming a better user of technology is equally as significant.