Thursday, February 27, 2014

Safety on Wireless Communication

Wireless communication may be one of the greatest inventions of all time. It incorporates the communication and transmission of information over long distances without the use of electronic conductors, like cables and wires. There are many modern day devices that carry out the functions of wireless communications, such as: smart phones, wireless computer parts, satellite televisions, GPS units, etc... . So why is wireless communication helpful? There are many benefits to this type of network. First, this advanced way of communication allows for immediate access to information-delivered in a matter of just a few minutes. Second, workers can receive information anywhere and at anytime without hauling big cable boxes or wires around them. Thirdly, urgent situations can be made aware of more quickly. Despite location or distance, people from near or far, can almost always connect with one another. Lastly, wireless devices are cheaper to set up and maintain.
With this new technology, there ensues tremendous responsibility. Many people have the misconception that what they post online is private and that no one will ever be admitted to see it. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Many teens and young people, especially, find themselves posting inappropriate comments, videos, and pictures. There are serious and even federal consequences that can be brought forth. Teens who text or send revealing photos, ask somebody else to send them inappropriate images or texts, or put themselves in a position of possible harassment over a revealing text, can all face serious repercussions. If anything like this should occur, it is important to act fast and get people to help and stop the spreading of this message. (One should consult a parent or teacher.)
Another important safety topic is texting while driving. This danger of this form of communication arises when people use it at an improper time and place. When one is driving they should be completely engaged on the road, and not have outside distractions, like their phone, occupying them. Thankfully, many teens choose not to text and drive because they are conscious of what may happen if they do. Severe, and sometimes, fatal events occur. In addition, 30 states have prohibited texting while driving and fine those who are caught. For instance, if your best friend is driving you home and they are texting on their phone, the best way to handle the problem is by calmly asking them to get off their phone. In the case where they refuse to give it up, it is important to inform them about the dangers of texting while driving. If you are the driver, it is important to consider the safety of those around the you and your own well being.
Furthermore, most people don't fully comprehend just how quickly viral messages can spread. The chance of people seeing what others post on the web is very likely. These people can be parents, siblings, friends, or even complete strangers. The dangers of living in a world where everyone is interconnected includes the idea that anyone at anytime can see information about you, without you realizing. This is why it is crucial to think twice before doing something on the web or sending something to someone else, because nowadays images, videos, and comments can go viral and spread quicker than ever before. Wireless communication is a great invention, but people should also know just how monitored worldwide communication can be. Depending on how one uses wireless communication, it can be a truly awesome way of communicating.

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