Sunday, April 6, 2014

Digital Relationships and Respect--Week 7

To the Victims of Cyber bullying and Cyber bullies:
So what is cyber bullying exactly? Well, Cyber bullying is the act of bullying using electronic devices. Whether this be done via email, twitter, Facebook, through fake profiles, through mean comments, etc,..., cyber bullying is a form of bullying. Some people argue that cyber bullying is the most predominant way teens are harassed. It is truly shameful to say that those cyber bullying are often times the victims friends. Most kids cyber bully one another in an act of retaliation--for jealousy purposes. However, others bully because they have a lot of built up anger and frustration and unleash it on others. There are too many people who are cyber bullied, but even more people just sit back and watch the abuse go on, right before their very own eyes. Being a bystander and tolerating the bullying (also known as not speaking up for the victim) is just as bad as what the bully himself/herself is doing. One simple acts of kindness has a ripple effect and can impact the lives of many. Cyber bullying must stop now because no one should feel greater or less than any other human being.
To those of you who are being cyber bullied, the biggest advice anyone can give to you is that you need to realize that you are so special and that all those hurtful comments and messages that the bullies leave for you, are bogus. The most common driving force for the bullies is that they want you to feel less than them. By them putting you down, they feel superior to you, and every time that you succumb to their abuse, it feeds their evil thoughts. The truth is, is that they are insecure people who by putting others down, receive pleasure and recognition. By remaining strong and keeping your head held high, you are showing the bully that every human being is indeed a beautiful creature and that no one is entitled to make another person feel lower than them. You also want to make sure, to not retaliate to the bully. If they have sent something cruel and malicious to you, take a moment to cool off, instead of immediately, sending something mean back. It is only human to want to do onto others as they have done onto you, but it requires a strong individual to control their emotions, and to not react based off of them. In addition, do not delete the bullies comments to you. They maybe evidence for future needs. As soon as the bullying begins to get serious or hurtful, tell an adult you trust (like your parents) so that you can get them involved, and they will make a wise choice, in what to do next. Also, if you can, try to block the bully. When it comes to overcoming cyber bullying make sure to: get a parent/guardian involved, try to block the bully, but make sure to save the evidence of the bullying, don't retaliate or get back at them, and of course, know that you are so much more than what the bully is trying to make you out to be.
To those who are cyber bullying, there needs to be a stop. If you think that it is cool to sit behind a computer screen and insult others in attempts to make them feel horrible about themselves, think twice before you do so. What at first may seem to be harmless, may come down to a life or death situation. Many victims of cyber bullying have taken extreme measures such as suicide, because of the unceasing taunts. Cyber bullying is a serious matter and its totally not okay to do. Not only are you ruining a life and degrading a human spirit, but you may also suffer serious federal consequences such as being sentenced to jail or fined. Just as bullying in real life is detrimental, so is bullying online. Either form of bullying is making other people feel worse about themselves and can become something extremely grave. Please stop the cyber bullying and consider how others may be affected as a consequence of your actions. Remember that all humans are creatures of God and instead of bringing one another down, let us left one another up.
Your friend,
Some information and guides to help with cyber bullying:

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