Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 8-The Future of Technology and You

Dear children,
I wanted to write this letter so that you may receive a glimpse into my past. The world has not always been exposed to awesome, new creations such as the ones that are available today. In the present year of 2040, there are inventions like floating cars, phones that are used like a glove, and other resources that prove to be very useful and beneficial. Back in my day, this type of technology was a mere thought, but had never been put into action. The future of technology can never be totally predicted. The truth is, is that we will always be creating new, and better advances in technology.  The sky is the limit for the future of technology. So, now let me inform you about the past so that you may appreciate how far technology has come, and how it has come to make our lives easier.
Back in the year 2014, the average citizen's vehicles never left the ground. Instead, they would use giant, flying machines that seated 100 people by the name of airplanes. The type of travel that consists of total strangers having to travel together, is no longer necessary because nowadays, the average person owns their own flying automobile. In addition, computers were much slower and far larger than what they are today. Large hardrives and other computer parts were necessary in order to operate; however, sometimes proved to be burdensome when they wouldn't work properly and take to slow. Rarely is this the case, in our present day. Never do you hear people complaining over their computer working to slowly. In addition, computers nowadays are more portable than ever before. Back then, big bags and suitcases were required in order to transport the average size laptop. Wearing your computers in a fashionable way via sunglasses, watches, or gloves is much more handy and effective, wouldn't you say? Another way technology has evolved, is through its use of cyberbullying. When I was a teen, cyberbullying posed as a serious problem that just about ever child had to face. At that time, legal consequences would soon follow as a repercussion for the bullying; however, laws were never as strongly implemented as they are in our modern age. At that time, suicide rates were soaring because of how many children felt as though there was no hope. Now, those numbers have dropped dramatically--this is something to be very proud of. With new technology, insulting and crude remarks are immediately picked up by the computers and inform adults set up on the program, exactly what the bully said, when he/she said it, and where they sent the message. As you can tell, this problem is now under much more control.
In conclusion, technology has come a far way thanks to those who decided to think a little creatively and not be afraid to put their thoughts into actions. Although the future of technology can never be guaranteed, we can always hope and dream of the great things that the future holds in store for technology.

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